Friday, April 24, 2009

I Am Back!

Hey Everyone! I have missed our little chats! I didn't plan on being gone for a month, but some things came up and I had too many plates spinning to keep this one up as well. :)

However, I believe that things are about back to normal now, so I plan to be back here on a more regular basis again. (And by normal, I of course mean, slightly less manic!) :)

I am writing this on my phone, so I'm a bit limited in what I can post, but I just wanted to stop in and say "Hi!" For a change. Later today I plan to take the kids to see the new Disney Movie "Earth", so I'll probably stop back by and let you all know what we thought of it. I really want to see the new Hannah Montana movie and 17 Again, myself, but couldn't find a way to justify them during school hours! ;) If you can think of a good reason to see them that is "school-related", PLEASE let me know! :)

Okay, I've had my quiet time this morning, I can't go for a run/walk because it's raining, and I've caught up on Twitter already, so I guess it's time to wake the kids and get this day started...sigh.

Thanks for stopping by!


Mel said...

Welcome back I totally understand the being gone thing with plates spinning!!!

Mocha with Linda said...

Welome back! Glad to see you in my Reader again!