Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Humbly Defer....

I'll not be writing a post today. Well, I guess technically, by writing this and posting it, I am, but I'm only writing this to send you elsewhere today. Shannon at "Rocks in My Dryer" started a new Thursday series a few weeks back titled What I'd Like for You to Know, and it has been completely amazing to read the different stories from various bloggers that she has put together. Today, her guest poster is my bloggy friend and fellow kidney disease sufferer, Kelli, at "Living in Grace". Kelli opens up about some of the specific struggles she is going through on her road to a kidney transplant. Her daily blog has let us get to know her wit and her strength and an inkling of what her struggles have been over the past two years, but this special post goes much deeper and will touch your heart. You must go here and read Kelli's heartfelt post today.

And if you're like me, you'll want to go here and read all the other posts in this series if you missed them the first time around.

You may have noticed the "Operation find a kidney for Kelli" button in my sidebar. That search is still on, and if you are interested in being tested as a living donor, you can click that button for all the information. And if you are interested in donating money to help Kelli pay for all her medical care (or maybe that laptop that her husband needs to help him be able to work while also being with Kelli as much as possible), there is a donation button in Kelli's sidebar that you can click on to make a donation via PayPal. I'll check with Kelli to see if I can get the code to put the button over here as well, but hanging out over there is pretty cool anyway, so why not just head on over!

Okay, that's it for my "I'm not posting speech" I use a lot of words to not say anything, don't I??? Now, go and read this post. Please :)


JMR said...

What a heart wrenching story!!! So so so very sad. Thank you for sharing that link with us! <3 Jami

Kelli said...

Thank you sweet friend.... Talk to you after surgery tomorrow when I'm feeling abit more chatty :) For tonight? We're going to splurge and go take the kids for pizza. Just forget everything. What a wonderful thought....