Man, how does the time get so far away from me? I believe that I mentioned before that since we homeschool, and set our own schedule, we school year-round, but take off between Thanksgiving and New Year's so we can relax and enjoy our holidays.
Well, we started back to school this week with a new daily schedule, a new allowance system, and the worst allergy attack known to mankind! I have never had too much trouble with allergies, but my goodness I've had trouble this week. Besides not being able to breathe, my eyes itch so badly I can't even put eyeliner on! As if not breathing weren't enough, I have to be ugly too? UGH!
Anyway, my scratchy eyes are blurring a bit as I type...even with the, I'll just try to catch you up really quickly on a couple of fun things that have happened around here. :)
First of all...if you've been reading this blog since, well, the beginning, you may remember that I got a dishwasher for Valentine's Day, and an oven for Christmas last year. So, I bet you are all wondering what I could have possibly gotten this year to follow up being completely spoiled last year...well your wait is over! This year, I got not one, but TWO gifts designed to not only make my life easier, but to make this house (which I hate) just a little bit nicer. The first was a new microwave that not only matches the new oven, but hangs above it, freeing up 2 feet worth of valuable countertop! Thank you Sweetie!
The second gift was a new front door! I don't have a picture for you because it is still in it's box in the back yard, but as soon as it is installed, I'll post one, because I know you are all quite disappointed that you can't see it for!
And yes, I know that I said I had a couple of things to tell you, but the truth is, I really have more than two, but my itchy, blurry eyes, are fighting me every step of the way, so I'm going to leave you with the lovely pictures of my appliances and try again another time!
Don't you just love the allergies, especially the allergy eyes!
I've started taking my meds all year round. It kinda stinks, but it works for me.
Hope your eyes deblurrify soon. (yeah, I know that isn't a word)
I love getting new applicances. Congrats.
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