Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We Need to Catch Up a Bit... usual...I don't have a lot of time, but I miss you guys so much, I just had to stop in for a minute! I have so much to catch you all up on that it's going to take several posts, but in the interest of my mantra "kids first, then cakes, then dishes, and laundry only if there is no clean underwear to be found", let's start with the kids!!!

Lots and lots of stuff was happening in May, but the biggest event was the ending of an era here at the house of Kids and Cakes. There is no longer a sweet, blue-eyed, blonde-haired little two-year-old boy living here...we now have a sweet, blue-eyed, blonde-haired big ole' THREE-YEAR-OLD in da' house!!! That's right, little Dave turned three last month. On the one hand...WOO-HOO!!! On the other hand...sigh, sob, sniff... All you mommies understand, right?

Anyway, all my boys have dirt bikes, and little Dave is completely enamored by them. He walks around the house wearing his brother's helmet, and whenever Daddy has the bikes out for any reason, Dave gets that helmet and sits on one of the bikes and makes motorcycle noises. So what do you think we got him for his birthday??? Naturally, we got him his own motorcycle . My mom and dad gave him a "Harley Davidson" helmet, and I promise, you've never seen a happier boy in your whole life!

We took him to a local kids amusement park for his party and he got to ride to his heart's content. Once he got on the airplane's though, he just wanted to go from airplane to airplane to airplane switching colors each was tough getting him off of that one!

I'm going to take a picture of all of my boys on their motorcycles and helmets, but for now, I thought I'd just share a little photo slideshow of pics from Dave's party with a couple of short videos of him riding his new toy. Watch at the very end of the video. He stops and smiles three different smiles because I'm standing there with the camera and he doesn't know I'm video-taping, he thinks I want to take his picture! When he watches the video, and it gets to that part, he talks to the screen and he says, "Okay Dabid, FMILE!!!" I really need to video him watching his video, it's almost more fun!

Happy Birthday David!!!


Cheri said...

Finally - I get to watch everyone's video footage!

That little one is just TOO cute!

Mocha with Linda said...

Oh that is too precious!! What fun! (And darling cake, of course)

Ahh, and I see a new addition to the sidebar. . . LOL