Hello all! Sorry to be missing again....I'll update on why I've been gone later, for now, I just have a big old surprise for you all! I received an email today telling me that I could go here and listen to THIRD DAY's brand new album...in it's entirety....for the rest of the month....BEFORE it even comes out!!!! And I got this....
...to watch and share with you too!!! Doesn't it sound fabulous??? I'm so excited! And DAUGHTRY joins THIRD DAY on this album, ya'll!!! It just gets better and better doesn't it???
But wait! It gets even better! When I clicked the link to go listen to the new CD, there was an offer to Pre-Buy the new CD for just $7.99 (plus shipping) and with the CD you can get a FREE t-shirt and a coupon for a future purchase...so guess what I did??? I pre-bought TWO of them!!! One for me, and one for one of you!!! Do you want it??? Just go here and listen to THIRD DAY's brand new album and then come back and leave me a comment about what song you liked the best! I'll keep the comments open until I receive the goodies in the mail, so you've got lots of time to go and listen and make your pick. So, go, enjoy, then get back here and tell me what you think!!!
Oh, and you can always go and pre-order your own if you want to...or maybe even TWO! Hee-hee-hee!!! I'm on my way to go hang out with these guys some more...they make some really great music!
Hey girl - listening to the music now. I'll be back to comment.
But you gotta fix your links to the site!
I'm loving the whole album. Loving Caught Up in Yourself. Ordered by copy + extra - how could you not at that price!?
Got the links fixed! Sorry about that...a stray period found it's way in there....yikes!
Well, I am a huge Third Day fan so the entire album was a treat to listen to. I think my favorite was Run to You but I liked them all. Denise
What fun! Can't believe I almost forgot about this! I like Give Love and Let Me Love You.
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